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DevOps / Operations / Platform Engineering / Software Development

Building GPT Applications on Open Source Stack LangChain

A look at essential considerations when using this programming framework for working with large language models.
Jun 7th, 2023 6:58am by
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This is the first of two articles.

Today, we see great eagerness to harness the power of generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) models and build intelligent and interactive applications. Fortunately, with the availability of open source tools and frameworks, like LangChain, developers can now leverage the benefits of GPT models in their projects. LangChain is a software development framework designed to simplify the creation of applications using large language models (LLMs). In this first article, we’ll explore three essential points that developers should consider when building GPT applications on the open source stack provided by LangChain. In the second article, we’ll work through a code example using LangChain to demonstrate its power and ease of use.

Quality Data and Diverse Training

Building successful GPT applications depends upon the quality and diversity of the training data. GPT models rely heavily on large-scale datasets to learn patterns, understand context and generate meaningful outputs. When working with LangChain, developers must therefore prioritize the data they use for training. Consider the following three points to ensure data quality and diversity.

Data Collection Strategy

Define a comprehensive data collection strategy tailored to the application’s specific domain and use case. Evaluate available datasets, explore domain-specific sources and consider incorporating user-generated data for a more diverse and contextual training experience.

Data Pre-Processing

Dedicate time and resources to pre-process the data. This will improve its quality that, in turn, enhances the model’s performance. Cleaning the data, removing noise, handling duplicates and normalizing the format are essential well-known pre-processing tasks. Use utilities for data pre-processing, simplifying the transformation of raw data into a suitable format for GPT model training.

Ethical Considerations

There may be potential biases and ethical concerns within the data. GPT models have been known to amplify existing biases present in the training data. Therefore, regularly evaluate and address biases to ensure the GPT application is fair, inclusive and respects user diversity.

Fine-Tuning and Model Optimization

A pre-trained GPT model provides a powerful starting point, but fine-tuning is crucial to make it more contextually relevant and tailored to specific applications. Developers can employ various techniques to optimize GPT models and improve their performance. Consider the following three points for fine-tuning and model optimization.

Task-Specific Data

Gather task-specific data that aligns with the application’s objectives. Fine-tuning GPT models on relevant data helps them understand the specific nuances and vocabulary of the application’s domain, leading to more accurate and meaningful outputs.

Hyperparameter Tuning

Experiment with different hyperparameter settings during the fine-tuning process. Adjusting hyperparameters such as learning rates, batch sizes and regularization techniques can significantly affect the model’s performance. Use tuning capabilities to iterate and find the optimal set of hyperparameters for the GPT application.

Iterative Feedback Loop

Continuously evaluate and refine the GPT application through an iterative feedback loop. This can include collecting user feedback, monitoring the application’s performance and incorporating improvements based on user interactions. Over time, this iterative approach helps maintain and enhance the application’s accuracy, relevance and user satisfaction.

User Experience and Deployment Considerations

Developers should not only focus on the underlying GPT models, but also on creating a seamless and engaging user experience for their applications. Additionally, deployment considerations play a vital role in ensuring smooth and efficient operation. Consider the following three points for user experience and deployment.

Prompt Design and Context Management

Craft meaningful and contextually appropriate prompts to guide user interactions with the GPT application. Provide clear instructions, set user expectations and enable users to customize and control the generated outputs. Effective prompt design contributes to a better user experience.

Scalable Deployment

Consider deployment strategies that ensure the scalability and efficiency of the GPT application. Use cloud services, containerization and serverless architectures to effectively handle varying workloads and user demands.

Continuous Monitoring

Implement a robust monitoring system to track the performance and usage patterns of the GPT application. Monitor resource utilization, response times and user feedback to identify potential bottlenecks and areas for improvement.


By considering these three key aspects — quality data and diverse training, fine-tuning and model optimization and user experience and deployment considerations — developers can build powerful GPT applications on the open source stack provided by LangChain. In an upcoming article, I’ll start exploring the potential of GPT models and LangChain through a worked example. I will also host a workshop on June 22 during which I will go through building a ChatGPT application using LangChain. You can sign up here.

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